Thursday, 26 September 2013

Draft music video - Day 1 of editing

After filming for our draft music video at the weekend this is the video after the first day of editing, we have found that the light was insufficient and if we were to film it again for our main task we would film earlier to avoid this problem and perhaps try to acquire extra lighting. The band shots are yet to be filmed after our arrangements to do it this week fell through due to issues with the actors.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Deciding our media company name

We decided to call our media company "Slim Acorn" this was an anagram of the first 3 letters of our last names "Ron", "Sim" and "Cla" we created this using an anagram creator *insert link* this company name is for a draft task we decided to do to see if we could work well as a group. The reason we decided that this anagram would be suitable for purpose was that "Acorn" is an established film company and we hope to emulate the quality of their work on a smaller scale, in particular the length

Mr Liddel's blog

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Exemplar music videos

Today we have been looking at examples of music videos similar to the one we plan to create, whilst watching these the things we looked for were shots and effects which would be able to recreate with our own equipment. The first video "Billy Talent - Viking Death March" has a slow motion effect which we believe is easily achievable with the resources available to us, also the second video "Three Days Grace - Pain" made used different people and locations but the same shot type which is something we considered using as an influence for our own video.